The applicable Land Use Income and Rent Schedule* depends on the type of project. The assigned Analyst will make the final determination. The following are the most commonly used Income and Rent Schedules. Please note that they are updated annually.
For questions about these Schedules for new projects, please contact; for projects already constructed, please contact Occupancy Monitoring at 213-808-8806 or
Schedule VII/Mello (HCD Gross)
Schedule VIII/Unpermitted Dwelling Unit (HCD Gross)
Schedule X (TOC Rent Schedule)
- 100% affordable TOC project (non-replacement units) – HUD Schedule I
- 100% affordable Density Bonus project (utilizing AB 1763/AB 2345/AB 2334) with or without on-menu incentives – HCD Schedule VII (20% of total units) and TCAC Schedule IX (80% of the total units)
- Discretionary – HUD Schedule I
- Any affordable replacement unit(s) required per a Replacement Unit Determination at the applicable affordability levels – HCD Schedule VII
- TOC (non-replacement units) – HUD Schedule X
- Density Bonus with or without on-menu incentives – HCD Schedule VI
- 100% affordable Density Bonus project (utilizing AB 1763/AB 2345/AB 2334) with or without on-menu incentives – HCD Schedule VI (20% of total units) and TCAC Schedule IX (80% of the total units)
- Discretionary – HUD Schedule I
- Unpermitted Dwelling Units – HCD Schedule VIII
- Any affordable replacement unit(s) required per a Replacement Unit Determination at the applicable affordability levels – HCD Schedule VI
*NOTE – Actual rent schedule determinations are made on an individual property basis depending on the type of entitlements. If your project does not fall under any of these categories, or if you are unsure of the applicable schedule, please contact