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United to House LA (ULA) is a sustainable funding stream dedicated to affordable housing production and homelessness prevention in the City of Los Angeles.
ULA includes robust data tracking and reporting mandates. Data dashboards provide up-to-date, interactive information on the implementation and impact of ULA.
The ULA Citizen Oversight Committee (COC) was created to oversee and monitor the implementation of ULA. Materials related to the ULA COC, including meeting agendas and materials, are available on the ULA COC landing page.
ULA includes an Affordable Housing Program and a Homelessness Prevention Program, each of which includes several program categories. Program Guidelines provide additional details and parameters on the implementation of those programs.
The Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD) administers requests for ULA tax exemptions on conveyances of real property over $5 million for qualified purchasers who develop and/or operate affordable housing, pursuant to Section 21.9.14 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code. Further information and guidance is available on the ULA Exemptions page.