Neighborhood Improvement

A neighborhood improvement project also known as Public Facilities and Improvements are often referred to as infrastructure projects by local governments and facilities owned by non-profits that are generally open to the public. Examples of public facilities include parks and recreation centers, streets, sidewalks, water and sewer improvements, utility lines, flood and drainage systems, tree planting, and buildings owned by non-profits that are open to the general public. Examples of private non-profit-owned facilities include senior centers, centers for persons with disabilities, youth, and child care centers, community centers, homeless shelters, housing for people with special needs, health clinics, etc.

“Eligible activities include acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, ADA accessibility, or installation of public facilities and improvements. ”
Ineligible activities includes maintenance, repairs, and construction of new housing.
“The City’s Risk Management determines each project’s insurance requirement. Common insurance requirements are General Liability, Workers Compensation, Professional Liability, and Surety Bonds. ”
“In order to become a City contractor, the nonprofit agency must register their project with the California Department of Industrial Relations as the “Awarding Body.” When a general construction contractor is later hired, they will connect their Contractor Account to your DIR project ID number. This process is required for all public works projects in California. For more info, visit ”
The City has structure CDBG grants in the form of service payment amortized up to $100,000 for a minimum of 5 years. When the grant is fully paid in the form of providing social services to low-moderate income clients, the lien against the property is released.


On July 8, 2010, the Los Angeles City Council established the Foreclosure Registry Program (FRP) – a residential property registration program (Ordinance No. 181185) – as a mechanism to protect residential neighborhoods including abandoned property from blight. The Ordinance was amended on November 14, 2014 (Ordinance No. 183281) to include a proactive inspection fee, and a requirement to inspect and report monthly on the condition of the property.

“Any lender/beneficiary or trustee (who holds or has an interest in a deed of trust) on a residential property in foreclosure located within the City of Los Angeles for which a Notice of Default (NOD) was issued after July 8, 2010, must register such property with LAHD within thirty (30) calendar days of the issuance of the NOD. Registration is also required on properties subject to a foreclosure sale where the title was transferred to the beneficiary, or the trustee of a deed of trust involved in the foreclosure, or transferred under a deed in lieu of foreclosure/sale.

All properties in foreclosure must be registered online with LAHD at, submitting details on the property in foreclosure (including occupancy status along with a $155 registration payment through the online submission form). Once the property has been registered online, registration is valid for the remaining portion of the calendar year in which the property was registered.

An annual registration fee in the amount of $155 shall be paid to LAHD at the time of registration. The fee and registration shall be valid for the calendar year, or remaining portion of the calendar year, in which the registration was initially required. Subsequent registrations and fees are due January 1st of each year and must be received no later than January 31st of the year due.

“A beneficiary and/or trustee of any property subject to the foreclosure ordinance is required to:
1. Register the property;
2. Pay pertinent fees, including registration and proactive inspection fees;
3. Comply with the monthly inspection and reporting requirements.
Failure by the beneficiary and/or trustee to abide by these provisions may cause LAHD to issue a written notification requiring compliance within thirty (30) calendar days from notice date. Continued failure by the beneficiary and/or trustee to comply within the period provided shall compel LAHD to assess a penalty in the amount of $250 per day for each day, commencing on the date the grace period ended until the date the foreclosure registration deficiency is corrected or the penalty balance reaches $100,000, whichever comes first. “

A property can only be de-registered if the foreclosure has ended. If the registrant has copies of the necessary documents for de-registration, such as a County-recorded arms-length transaction sale to a third party (not real-estate owned or REO), a County-recorded Reconveyance of the loan in default, or a County-recorded Reinstatement of Loan – whether a Notice of Rescission (NOR) or Loan Modification – then access online to the LAHD Online Foreclosure Registry and submit a de-registration request on the property at hand, by uploading the related documentation for LAHD to review. A change in Servicer or an Assignment of a Loan in Default is not a valid reason for de-registration.

When a vacant multi-family or single-family residential property changes to foreclosed status (REO), the foreclosing beneficiary (grantee) who acquired the property is required to pay a proactive inspection fee in the amount of $356. The proactive inspection of the exterior of the property will be conducted by the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety. Failure to pay the inspection fee at the time when the REO property is first registered (or if the property’s status is changed to foreclosed in the registry) will result in penalties pursuant to Section 164.09 Violations and Penalties of Ordinance No. 183281.

“Any property with a recorded notice of default shall be inspected by the beneficiary and/or trustee monthly, until the trustor or other party remedies the default, or until the foreclosure process is complete.
The beneficiary and/or trustee shall provide monthly reports to LAHD that record the date of the monthly inspection and the condition of the property as observed during the inspection. “

To report blighted properties call the City of Los Angeles “One Call to City Hall” line by dialing 3-1-1. When calling from outside the City boundaries, call (866)-452-2423.

Occupancy Monitoring & HDB

Please check

Land Development & HDB

Unfortunately, we do not notify the public of upcoming housing project but they can check with their City Council.

LAHD does not sell City-owned property. If you are interested in the RFP process or would like to subscribe to our interested parties, please email

Dev & Fin

“If you are a homeless individual or family or believe you are at significant risk of becoming homeless, please contact the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA), at (213) 225-6581, or visit LAHSA’s website for specific information about city-funded programs that are available to homeless individuals, youth, and families and which you may be eligible to receive services under. Homeless families: If you and your family (adults with children under age 18) are homeless and need immediate assistance call 2-1-1, which is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”
These funding programs provide loans to assist developers of multifamily housing with the construction of new units or acquisition and substantial rehabilitation of existing units. The loans are also leveraged using other Federal, State or local funds; ie, low-income tax credits. Eligible applicants include non-profit and for-profit organizations, limited liability companies, limited partnerships, public agencies, other local jurisdictions, and joint ventures. To apply for funds, please
You can find out about our most recent partnering opportunities here.
These funding programs provide loans to assist developers of multifamily housing with the construction of new units or acquisition and substantial rehabilitation of existing units.

Choose among the categories below. Select the check boxes with respect to the categories and enter your details. Press “”Subscribe”” button to finish the process.”

Policy & RA

The Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Program is a competitive state funding program that aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by funding compact affordable housing in conjunction with sustainable transportation improvements. It provides funding for affordable housing development and related infrastructure, as well as transportation-related amenities, and programs that encourage residents to walk, bike and use transit. Funded by auction proceeds from California’s Cap-and-Trade program, AHSC helps create holistic communities with affordable housing and transportation options near jobs and other key destinations. AHSC is administered by the Strategic Growth Council (SGC) and implemented by the California Department of Housing and Community Development.
“With the extension of Cap-and-Trade through 2030, the AHSC Program will continue to receive a 20 percent appropriation of Greenhouse Gas Reduction Funds. Since launching in 2015, AHSC has invested over $695 million in affordable housing and sustainable transportation improvements across the state. Overall, this has led to a reduction of 1.5 million tons of CO2e, which is equivalent of 320,000 fewer cars on the road. ”
“Eligible applicant entities include any of the following: A locality, public housing authority, redevelopment successor agency, transit agency or transit operator, Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA), local Transportation Commissions, Congestion Management Agencies, Joint Powers Authority (JPA), school district, facilities district, university or community college district A developer or program operator A Federally Recognized Indian Tribe If a public agency has a financial or real property interest in the proposed project, the application must either include the public agency as a co-applicant or otherwise include a commitment to enter into a contractual agreement to develop the project, if it is awarded. ”
As of January, 2020, there have been 4 Rounds of AHSC funding: 1st Round of Funding was in Fiscal Year 2014-2015, 2nd Round was in Fiscal Year 2015-2016, 3rd Round of AHSC was in Fiscal Year 2016-2017, 4th Round was in Fiscal Year 2017-2018 and 5th Round was in Fiscal Year 2018-2019. 6th Round is expected to take place in Fiscal Year 2019-2020. (State of California Fiscal Year 19-20 will run from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020).
“August – the Strategic Growth Council Releases draft program guidelines September – SSGC holds stakeholder Meetings/Comments on Draft Guidelines October – SGC releases new Round Application February – Full Application is Due June – Awards are Adopted ”
To date, Los Angeles has been awarded nearly $200 million in funding for housing projects and related transportation improvements, providing funding to help create over 2,218 affordable units for individuals and families in need.
“AHSC Round 4 FY 17-18: Hollywood Arts Collective, Manchester Urban Homes, Weingart Tower and Skidrow Transportation Safety Project, Vermont Manchester Transit Priority Project and Jordan Downs Phase S3 & Watts Pedestrian Bike District. AHSC Round 3 FY 16-17: Elden Elms and PATH Villas Hollywood. AHSC Round 2 FY 15-16: 7th & Witmer, PATH Ventures Villas Phase 2 Rolland Curtis West, Six Four Nine Lofts, Sun Valley Senior Veterans Apartments and MDC Jordan Downs. AHSC Round 1 FY 14-15: 127th Street Apartments, Crenshaw Villas, El Segundo Family Apartments, MacArthur Park Apartments, Mosaic Gardens at Westlake, Rolland Curtis East, Sylmar Court Apartments, Cielito Lindo Apartments and Jordan Downs. ”

“As a co-applicant, Housing Department (LAHD) works collaboratively with the applicant to develop competitive applications and serves as the lead department for the City’s AHSC application process. LAHD coordinates with other city departments including the Department of Transportation, Bureau of Engineering, Department of City Planning, Bureau of Street Lighting, Bureau of Street Services, and Economic and Workforce Development Department. LAHD also works closely with the appropriate Council District Offices, LA Metro, and our technical assistance service provider.
Since AHSC Round 3, the City of Los Angeles has been responsible for the design, construction, and completion of all transportation-related improvements. The City of Los Angeles therefore receives the transportation-related grants, while the developer receives the housing related loans and/or grants.
The Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) is funded by SB 2 – Building Homes and Jobs Act – which is the first permanent source of state funding dedicated to helping local governments increase housing production. The City will begin drafting an expenditure plan in March 2020.

Loan Portfolio/Single Family Loans

A requirement of a Homeownership loan is that the borrower live in the property for the life of the loan. Loan Compliance lets the City know that the borrower is living in the property and therefore complying with that requirement.
You will receive a compliance request with an affidavit every January. To be compliant, sign the affidavit and return it along with a copy of your Homeowner’s Insurance Policy with the coverage for fire and other hazards clearly indicated. If you live in a condominium, you must obtain a copy of the insurance policy covering the entire building from your HOA. You need both the signed affidavit and fire insurance.
This is an annual event with a mailer going out during the month of January with 30 days to comply.

Yes, you can make payments on your City loan(s) even if no monthly payments are required (silent second loans). If there are no monthly payments required, you may send payments in the amount you would like and when you would like. Please keep in mind that you will not receive statements, coupon books, or envelopes. Make sure your loan number is clearly written on your check or money order made out to the City of Los Angeles and send it to LAHD, Loan Portfolio Unit, P.O. Box 532729, Los Angeles, CA 90053-2729. Keep all your checks and money order receipts for your records.

Yes, most homeownership loans allow for a subordination when borrowers refinance to obtain better loan terms on their mortgage. Cash out subordinations are allowed on some loans as well. Please review the subordination requirements here (link in comments)

Yes. Please send an email to: to request a copy of the promissory note of your loan or loan agreement with an authorized signature or last 4 digits of Borrower(s) SSN#. You may also call: (213) 808-8801.

If you are having a financial hardship and are unable to pay your loan, please contact the Asset Management Unit immediately. It is possible to amend/modify the terms of your loan if there is financial hardship. An Amendment Application will need to be completed and submitted. (link)

Contact the Loan Portfolio Unit to answer questions about your loan. Please note the Maturity Date specified on the letter. This is the due date of the loan. If the loan is not yet due, a representative can assist you with questions to help you prepare for the future. If the loan is past the Maturity Date, we can assist with an Amendment Application, which usually leads to terms that make payments more affordable.

You may contact the Loan Portfolio unit by emailing to request a payoff. Your request must include a written demand request and the borrower’s signed authorization. The Loan Portfolio unit will reply and let you know if any other documents are needed depending on the type of loan it is.

You may contact the Loan Portfolio unit by emailing or calling (213) 808 – 8801 to find out if a loan has been paid. In any case where a loan is paid in full the Department will issue a Reconveyance and record it in the County records, which will release the lien on the subject property.

You may contact the Loan Portfolio unit by emailing or calling (213) 808 – 8801. Please email your Prelim and the recorded document and if the document belongs to Asset Management we will be able to assist you and if it is another section of the Housing Department we will gladly direct you to the correct section in the Department for assistance.

Please click on Loan Pay Off Statement for a visual example and explanation of the Loan Pay Off Statement.
For a complete list of Loan Terms and Definitions, please click on the Glossary.
To contact the Loan Portfolio Unit, click on Contact Us for our mailing address, phone number, and email address.

Submit your request on official letterhead, signed by your authorized signatory with a clear explanation of your request to LAHD’s Asset Management request portal at After the request is received, it will be assigned to the appropriate LAHD staff member who will acknowledge your request and provide you with the appropriate application for your submission.

If a payment is applicable please send your audited financial statements, residual receipts calculations and payment to LAHD’s Residual Receipts portal at:

LAHD requires that you submit a protest letter on official letterhead which explains the reason for the protest with all supporting documentation and payment. The letter, supporting document and payment are to be sent to LAHD’s Asset Management request portal at After the request is received, it will be assigned to the appropriate LAHD staff member who will acknowledge your request and assist you.

LAHD requires that you submit your request on official letterhead signed by your authorized representative. E-mail your request to LAHD’s Asset Management request portal at After the request is received, it will be assigned to the appropriate LAHD staff member who will acknowledge your request and assist you.

“Please contact the LAHD Asset Management Division at: (213) 808-8801
LAHD staff will assist you and you will be given the option to schedule a hand delivery of the check to LAHD’s offices at 1200 West 7th Street, or you may mail the check certified registered mail to:
ATTN: LAHD Asset Management – Loan Portfolio Unit
1200 West 7th Street, 8th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90017

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