handicap accessible sign
The Enhanced Accessibility Program (EAP) aims to ensure enhanced accessibility features are available in city-funded affordable housing.
Developers provide accessibility features that exceed the minimum requirements of the federal accessibility standards or increase accessibility for people with hearing and vision disabilities. Committing to EAP awards 10 bonus points to developers’ applications for competitively awarded City funding programs/Notices of Funding Availability (NOFAs). Developers shall incorporate all of the enhanced accessibility design elements identified in Part 1, Table 1A and Table 1B or Table 1C, plus five of the optional design elements identified in Table 2.
The Los Angeles Housing Department’s (LAHD) Accessible Housing Program (AcHP) Construction/Retrofit Unit is issuing clarifications in 17 requirements of the LAHD’s Affordable Housing Managed Pipeline NOFA, Exhibit 8 – Enhanced Accessibility Program (EAP) which was set forth in the Appendix 5 of the Voluntary Compliance Agreement (VCA) between the City and the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD).
Enhanced Accessibility Program Updates: Clarification of Requirements
For NOFA applicants that applied for EAP, please note the clarification documents, listed below, that provide further clarifications to previously clarified requirements, and new clarifications to some of the mandatory and optional requirements in Appendix 5/Exhibit 8.
I. EAP Requirements
A. Required Features – All Table 1 (A, B, C) are required features. Exhibit 8 – Enhanced Accessibility Program.
1. Table 1A – Requirements apply to both New Development and Substantial Alterations
2. Table 1B – Requirements apply to New Developments
3. Table 1C – Requirements apply to Developments with Substantial Alterations
B. Bonus Requirements – List of Additional Enhanced Accessibility Features
A minimum of 5 enhanced accessibility features, out of 11 options, must be chosen to receive bonus points. Please refer to Table 2 from Exhibit 8 – Enhanced Accessibility Program.
Should you have any questions, please contact your assigned LAHD AcHP RCS. For any other questions, please contact Lahd Retrofit (lahd.retrofit@lacity.org).
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