Residents, Low Income Residents|

Thank you for your interest in keeping CHILDREN safe from lead-based paint hazards!

LAHD’s Lead Hazard Remediation Program is not accepting new applications.
If you are currently enrolled in the program, work will continue on your property. If you have any questions, please send an email to

If you are a property owner who wishes to apply for lead-safe funding, the following County of Los Angeles Lead Remediation Programs are currently accepting applications in limited areas of the City of Los Angeles: 

Lead Free Homes LA 
Please call (626) 296-6302 or email for more information. See if you’re eligible and learn more by visiting:

County of Los Angeles HUD Lead Grant
Applications are accepted for eligible properties that are: built before 1978, five (5) or more units, at least 50% of low-income tenants, and a child under six (6) residing on the premises or visiting regularly. Please call (626) 586-1790, email, or visit for more information.

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