The funds help with rental assistance to individuals and families experiencing economic hardship caused by severe wage reduction or reduced working hours, or in many cases total job loss.
How It Works
The LA City Emergency Renters Assistance Fund provides rental assistance to eligible recipients living in the City of Los Angeles, including low-wage workers who had jobs in restaurants, shops, car washes, homes and other small businesses, seasonal workers, day laborers, street and food truck vendors, catering support staff, gig economy workers, or other types of workers facing extreme economic hardship due to COVID-19, and may include those living in the shadows unable to receive federal, state, or local financial benefits. Qualified applicants will receive a rent subsidy coordinated with their landlord for rent that is due. The program is limited to households with incomes at or below 80% of the Area Median Income and is available only for tenants living in the City of Los Angeles. Due to the overwhelming need, priority will be given to applicants who have children under the age of 18 or seniors 62 and over.