Policy and Data, Data / Maps / Reports|

Research, Data & Geospatial Analysis

Understanding and visualizing social, economic, and environmental factors is essential to identifying areas of need and/or opportunity.  Geospatial analysis can help summarize thousands of words with a single image.  Relying on the strength of data, the Public Policy & Research Unit staff conducts demographic and geospatial data analysis on local housing policy and neighborhood investment issues to inform and support strategic decision making by HCIDLA, the Mayor’s Office and the City Council.

Our work includes robust analysis and visualization of data via interactive mapping and graphical presentations of maps, tables, and charts to enhance the understanding of critical policy and program issues and to help determine potential affordable housing solutions.  Click on the links below to view our previously created reports, maps, and researched data.

Highlighting Key Research Reports

Maps & Data

Additional Housing & Data Resources

Additional Policy Work (Archived)

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