2022wed02feb3:00 pmMoved OnlineHow to Pay your Annual Registration Bill OnlineLIVE WEBINAR for LANDLORDS, PROPERTY MANAGERS, LENDERS, COMMUNITY ADVOCATES3:00 pm(GMT+00:00)

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Event Details

LAHD invites you to attend our free 2022 webinars.

This month we are providing support and assistance for landlords with instructions on how to pay their annual RSO/SCEP bill and complete the annual rent registration.

These virtual webinars will also include information on Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU), the recent SCEP (Systematic Code Enforcement Program) Ordinance Amendment, how to complete exemption requests online, and how to fill out the Rent Registry for properties subject to the Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO). All multi-family rental properties in Los Angeles must pay the annual fee, and RSO properties must complete the registration in order to collect rent.

Landlords are encouraged to register early and avoid late fees since LAHD’s public counters will not be open to accept in-person payments. For your convenience, payments can be made online or by mail.

These workshops are for City of Los Angeles landlords, property managers, family members who assist in managing properties, community advocates, banks, lenders, trustees, servicing companies, property management companies, listing agents, and anyone contemplating buying or selling rental property in the City of Los Angeles

This month’s webinars will be presented by LAHD’s Rent Stabilization Division and Compliance Division.

Sessions will be via Zoom. CLICK HERE to register to attend. Or call, 213-928-9075 to sign up to attend or for persons requiring auxiliary services.


(Wednesday) 3:00 pm(GMT+00:00)

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