Tenant Reported Rent

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The Los Angeles City Council enacted the City’s Rent Registry Program (Ordinance #184529) effective October 4, 2016. This ordinance provides that, in addition to paying the annual registration fee, landlords must also provide the rent amount for every rental unit subject to the RSO by the last day of February of each year. Registration is complete only when all outstanding registration fees have been paid and all required rental amount and tenancy information, including emergency contact information, is provided.

Tenants may choose to confirm to LAHD if the rent amount reported by their landlord was accurate. An online Tenant Reported Rent Portal has been created at https://lahd.service-now.com/trr to provide tenants a more effective and efficient means to ensure accuracy and avoid any mailing delays. The Tenant Reported Rent Portal includes a form to report the tenant’s rent, if it is different from the amount reported by the landlord and links to a rent increase calculator which will be especially helpful for tenants to easily calculate the allowable rent increase.

To log on to the Tenant Reported Rent Portal, tenants will need to access their account using their property APN and Tenant Unit ID number that is provided by LAHD in a letter mailed to tenants.

Ann Sewill, General Manager
Tricia Keane, Executive Officer

Daniel Huynh, Assistant General Manager
Anna E. Ortega, Assistant General Manager
Luz C. Santiago, Assistant General Manager

City of Los Angeles

Eric Garcetti, Mayor

Los Angeles Housing Department
1200 West 7th Street, 9th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: 213.808.8808


Tenant Address
Los Angeles, CA Zip

Rent Registry Tenant Notification

Property Address: Official Address
Unit Information: Unit Address
Service Year: 2022

Dear Tenant(s):

Your unit is protected by the City’s Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO). The RSO protects you from illegal rent increases and evictions. It also requires the landlord to report to the Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD) the rent amount the tenant is paying every year.

Your landlord reported your monthly rent amount for this current year was:

Rent Amount Reported: $ _____
Date Reported by the Landlord: Date

If the rent amount you were paying on the date above is not the same amount reported by the landlord, you may let us know within 30 days from the date on this letter by filing a form online at https://lahd.service-now.com/trr and provide the correct rent amount you were paying and to upload documents to prove the correct rent amount such as rent receipts, etc. Use your log-in information below. If you are unable to go online, please schedule an in-person appointment to provide your documents by calling (866) 557-7368.


Property APN #: ID Number for each property
Tenant Unit ID #: Number individually created for each tenant

If the rent amount listed above was correct at the time your landlord reported the rent, you can disregard this letter, there is nothing necessary for you to do. For more information about the RSO, please go to housing.lacity.org. If you believe you experienced a violation of the RSO, file a complaint by calling us or file an online complaint at https://housing.lacity.org/residents/file-a-rso-complaint or call (866) 557-7368.

Rent Registry Program, Los Angeles Housing Department
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An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer

Frequently Asked Questions

Your unit is regulated by the Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO) and the Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD) wants to confirm the rent amount the landlord reported for your rent is the same amount you were paying on the reported date.

The RSO is a City of Los Angeles law that provides tenant protections on evictions and excessive rent increases.

There is nothing for you to report to LAHD. You can disregard this notice.

You may report it to us online at https://lahd.service-now.com/trr or schedule an in-person appointment by calling our hotline at (866) 557-7368.

The information you provide is documented in our records. This will not result in any change to your rent amount by LAHD. For rent corrections, you will need to file a complaint for an illegal rent increase separately at housing.lacity.org. If you file a complaint, a Housing Investigator will contact you.

Effective March 30, 2020, annual rent increases are prohibited for RSO units until 1 year after the expiration of the local emergency period which is ongoing. However, surcharges to tenants for certain types of property improvements are allowed only if approved by LAHD and only 60 days after the end of the local emergency period. A landlord may also apply for a Just and Reasonable rent increase, which if approved by LAHD can be applied to the unit at any time with proper written notice to the tenants. For updates on the local emergency period, please visit housing.lacity.org or https://housing.lacity.org/highlights/renter-protections. If you believe you have received a rent increase in violation of the rules, please file a complaint by calling (866) 557-7368. A rent increase calculator for the current year is available at https://housing.lacity.org/rso-rent-increase-calculator.

Under the City law, during the local emergency period which started on March 4, 2020 and is ongoing, a landlord may not evict a tenant for non-payment of rent if the tenant was financially impacted by COVID-19.

LAHD investigates violations of the RSO (rent increases, evictions, reduction in housing services, etc.) and habitability issues (needed repairs). You may file a complaint to request an investigation by calling us at (866) 557-7368 or online at housing.lacity.org. You may seek legal assistance if you are being evicted and received a court document by contacting stayhousedla.org.

Below are resources for other housing issues:

Housing Discrimination: Housing Rights Center: (800) 477-5977.
Other housing laws such as security deposits, lease agreements: Los Angeles County Department of Business and Consumer Affairs: (800) 593-8222.

Attend one of our monthly webinars. You can RSVP at our home page at housing.lacity.org or call us at (866) 557-7368 or sign up for our newsletter at housing.lacity.org/about-us/subscribe-to-newsletters.

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