Policy and Data|

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LAHD continuously proposes initiatives and advocates for innovative solutions to address the housing and economic challenges facing the people of Los Angeles. Initiatives include enhancing existing programs, seeking and competing for project funding for affordable housing production, and the preservation of our existing housing stock. More recently, the City’s adopted Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH) Plan helped to lay the groundwork for several policy initiatives currently underway, including: An eviction defense program, an anti-tenant harassment program, a local just cause ordinance, an equitable housing policy, and anti-discrimination protections for Section 8 voucher holders and other subsidy recipients.

Affordable Housing & Sustainable Communities Program (AHSC)

The Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Program is a competitive state funding program that aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by funding compact affordable housing in conjunction with sustainable transportation improvements. 

Affordable Housing Linkage Fee (AHLF)

The City Council adopted the Affordable Housing Linkage Fee Ordinance on December 13, 2017. The Ordinance places a fee on certain new market-rate residential and commercial developments to generate local funding for affordable housing production and preservation. 

New Funding Sources

With ever-increasing gentrification pressures on neighborhoods throughout the City, LAHD has prioritized its efforts to preserve low-income housing utilizing various methods, strategies, and new funding sources. Based on in-depth research and discussion with other jurisdictions on best practices, a strategy has been developed to add, restructure, preserve, or extend affordable housing covenants.

Housing Element

The Housing Element of the General Plan identifies the City’s housing conditions and needs, establishes the goals, objectives, and policies that are the foundation of the City’s housing strategy, and provides an array of programs to create sustainable, mixed-income neighborhoods across the City.

Eviction Defense Program

On August 17, 2018, the City Council directed LAHD to work with the Office of the Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA) and the City Attorney to develop recommendations, including prospective costs and funding sources, for a City of Los Angeles “Right to Counsel” ordinance and/or a program to ensure that tenants have access to the information and representation when facing landlord harassment, rental agreement and lease issues, and eviction. 

Land Use Housing Policy

Evaluation of land use for housing programs to both fortify and protect affordable housing, while identifying or creating new housing and new local sources of funding. 

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