Underlying the programs that LAHD operates are staff teams that conduct policy research, apply for new grant resources, develop programs to meet the needs of Angelenos, analyze and map data, measure program performance and issue reports.  LAHD staff work to embed community resilience, preparations for disaster recovery and mitigating climate change in all that we do. These work units work across the department as well as with public and private partners to find solutions for the many challenges facing Los Angeles.

Program Development

Our work centers on identifying funding sources, policy constraints, analyzing land use policy tools with direct housing implications and solutions that address affordable and neighborhood change issues.

Data / Maps / Reports

Accurate and timely data and research are essential to LAHD’s work.  Understanding and visualizing social, demographic, economic, and environmental factors enables us to identify areas of need and/or opportunity.  Meaningful performance data shows how well programs work and where there is room for improvement.  Housing policy research and departmental strategic planning move LAHD’s mission forward.

Resilience and disaster preparedness

A number of catastrophic disasters could affect our region. More recent catastrophic disasters around the world have raised our awareness about the need to plan ahead. We want to prepare as much as we can now, before a disaster, to prevent harm to our residents after a disaster.


Read more about LAHD ordinances.

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