Welcome to our Residents page! We  serve all renters, low-income households, persons living with disabilities and other access and functional needs, including elderly residents, homeless individuals and families, homebuyers and homeowners living in the city of Los Angeles. We strive to provide the best information and services possible so you could easily find what you need and take care of business. If you don’t find what you need, you may search for it in the top right corner of the page, call our toll-free hotline at (866) 557-7368 or visit one of our public counters located throughout LA. You may also access our Resource Directory (English / Spanish), a handy list of housing and community assistance programs in Los Angeles.

We offer free language assistance services upon request if your primary language is not English. Please call (213) 808-8808 for language assistance services.

Know your rights and responsibilities


If you rent an apartment in Los Angeles, this section provides information on what you need to know to ensure your rights as a tenant are protected. Find out whether your apartment is rent controlled and whether it is up to code.

Low-income Residents

Find resources on affordable housing, special programs such as the Lead Hazard Remediation Program or the Handyworker Program and FamilySource Centers with locations throughout LA that provide various social services.

Residents with Disabilities, Access and Functional Needs

We offer many services for people living with HIV/AIDS, the elderly and homeless populations, and persons with disabilities.

Homeless Persons

The City and its partners, including the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA), are working with community partners to provide homeless individuals and families the resources they need to achieve independent, stable and secure housing.

Do you own your own home?

If you own a home, find programs to help with minor home repairs or make your home lead safe.

Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking Shelters

If you are in immediate danger, CALL 911 and leave as soon as possible. Domestic violence shelters are safe places where domestic violence and abuse victims can get help and temporary housing.

Assessment of Fair Housing

Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH) for Los Angeles will examine whether everyone has similar choices for housing regardless of protected class. Federally protected classes include race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, religion, disability, and families with children.

RSO Rent Increase Calculator

How much should a landlord raise rent on an RSO unit/apartment? Find out. Use the RSO rent increase calculator to assist you.


Looking for an LAHD form to fillout or submit? For your convenience, we have a list of viewable or downloadable forms for the various LAHD programs.

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