LAHD facilitates the financing of accessible affordable and supportive rental housing development projects with our business and community partners. Using funds from the federal government and the state we build and preserve housing in low-income communities to create jobs, improve safety, expand educational opportunities and boost economic activity in those neighborhoods. We leverage our funds with private investments in order to maximize existing resources.
Proposition HHH / Supportive Housing Development Loans
Prop HHH is to create new supportive housing for individuals and families who are homeless in the City of Los Angeles. The Proposition HHH Supportive Housing Loan Program is funded by Proposition HHH (Prop HHH), approved by city voters in 2016.
Land Development RFPs
The Land Development Unit makes land assets available for affordable housing development through a Request for Qualifications/Proposals (RFQ/P) to select qualified developers to develop and build affordable housing on vacant land.
Call for Projects
We are proud to be partnering with a dedicated group of housing developers to expand affordable housing opportunities and improve quality of life for LA residents. It is through these cross-sector collaborations that we are able to reach and impact the city’s most underserved communities. Find Request for Proposals (RFP) here.
Affordable Housing Managed Pipeline
The Affordable Housing Managed Pipeline creates affordable rental housing for low and very low income households by making long-term loans for new construction or for the rehabilitation of existing residential structures through an open competitive Notice of Funding Availability process.
Notice of Public Hearing on Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds or Notes for a Multifamily Housing Project Located in the City of Los Angeles
Developer Forms
If you are a developer, click here for instructions for Obtaining Required Forms for Gap Funding Applications.
Land Use
We prepare and record Land Use Covenants related to affordable housing and density bonuses when a developer or owner has received a land use concession from the City. We also assist with other services such as, determinations related to California Assembly Bill 2222, Senate Bill (SB) 330, the Mello Act, or a City ordinance that requires affordable housing set-aside or replacement units and many other services.
Prevailing Wages
Prevailing Wage and Apprenticeship Compliance LAHD-funded affordable housing projects must comply with state and federal prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements.