We help house the unsheltered & rebuild lives.


Affordable &
Supportive Homes

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Every single one of these homes represents a life changed. These are homes for Angelenos who, for too long, have lived without the safety and stability of a place to call their own. They are a place to access the services residents need to get back on their feet. Supportive housing sets people up for success, making sure each new resident has the support they need. From individual case management to access to job training, counseling, and more, residents can focus on their physical and mental health and plan for their future.   Providing Permanent Supportive Housing is the proven long-term solution to end homelessness. Los Angeles’ Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Pipeline is made possible with financial support from a variety of sources. The City’s significant increase in PSH in recent years is due to Proposition HHH (Prop HHH, HHH) – overwhelmingly passed in November 2016 by Angelenos, HHH created a locally-generated, dedicated source of funding for the streamlined development of PSH. Supportive Housing Loan Program development proposals use both traditional and innovative financing and construction techniques on this particular type of housing, often combining HHH loans with other financial resources to pay for the total development costs. In addition to surpassing our original goal of producing 10,000 new units of affordable and supportive housing by 2026 for people experiencing homelessness, the City has achieved:
  • An average HHH loan commitment of $132,000 per apartment unit, maximizing the number of units produced in the city and by leveraging a net gain of $400,000 per unit from County, State, Federal and private funding sources.
  • An increase in annual production of supportive housing units by over 600%, from about 300 units a year to over 2,000.
For more information on HHH, visit: housing.lacity.org/housing/supportive-housing-prop-hhh.

City of Los Angeles

For listings of supportive, affordable, and accessible housing, visit the Affordable and Accessible Housing Registry at: lahousing.lacity.org

LA County

For LA County’s crisis response team to homeless services, contact the Coordinated Entry System at: lahsa.org/ces

For LA County’s housing listings, visit: housing.lacounty.gov

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